Tuesday, June 30, 2015

It's here! It's Here!

When in the course of one's life, they finally achieve something they have been dreaming about, Their heart has been longing for the day when hence it finally arrives...

OK enough poetic junk! My book is finally published. Unrequited is here and arrived with a lot of heart and formatting issues. But, she's here.  It is a story that has a lot of meaning in my life. I have been striving to be present and be grateful of the things I have in life. I haven't been in the past and this book explores what that can do to a person and the life around them. The grass may be greener on the other side but that doesn't mean you need to go there. The story is about woman stuck in her past. Because of her unwillingness to let go and move forward, she stands to lose the life she has built.

This has been a journey over the last few years that i thought would never get done. I was either not writing enough or I was writing too much and then my schedule got crazy. Life got hectic and I had to slow that shit down.

Then came time for final edits and formatting issues. I went round and round with my computer. I went round and round with myself. I am not tech savvy in any way. The fact that I or my computer hasn't exploded is amazing. This was truly a labor of love. Right now the e-book is on Kindle. The hard copy should be soon to follow in the next couple of weeks.

 I'm not going to lie, I have googled myself and done searches on Amazon just to see if it would pop up. And of course it does. I don't think it's set in yet. I haven't had a review yet and I still haven't seen the actual book itself. It would be cool to be a best-selling author, but I am also grateful and proud that I got this done. I finished:)

So if you want to grab copy on Kindle and read to your heart's content, do it now!

I am working on another one that I hope to have completed by the holidays. Well at the very least, I would like to have a few drafts in.

I do need to thank Margaret Schwartz. Not only was she an amazing editor, but she laid out my book cover, and she dealt with my incessant need to have help. God bless her.

Opal Galliano was the cover artist and she did a phenomenal job.

It takes a village...

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